Where is part II of this article. I am still waiting to find out who the evil 6 people sitting in their room controlling everything are. I assumed that they were evil rich billionaires who have lost of money and power, but based on the comments below, they seem to be people who support Black Lives Matter and the HRC and are trying to reeducate people to support DEI initiatives. Why would the 6 people in the room care about any of those things except maybe to distract people and cause chaos while they continue to gather wealth and power? Seriously, I can't imagine 6 people controlling the world in order to advance the agenda of BLM, the HRD, or some DEI Office somewhere. Unless there was some implication that these people were Masons or Satan worshippers or Elders of Zion, and I know that Monica Harris is not anti-Semitic in the least, so what are the 6 people with the real power after?

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Great article. Makes me think.

From my background in communications, I am very sensitive to propaganda, which I also call brainwashing. We've descended into something like a catechism of almost religious teaching to manage our thinking. Especially powerful is the use of shaming and guilt for expressing ideas outside of the neo-political correctness.

The new religion is also supported by the imposition of a new language lead by invented slurs like "haters, racists, and (whatever)-phobes." These slurs are backed up with cancellation, attempts to get people fired and intimidation of family members.

Also, the mainstream media seems like an American Pravda with one voice coordinating the invisible ruling class dictating our thinking.

And speaking of ruling class, it is buoyed by a plethora of lobbying (and fundraising) groups like BLM, Human Rights Campaign and endless non-profits and other non-government organizations. These groups provide an army of consultants to come to schools to reeducate people and conduct expensive DEI seminars in government and corporate offices.

I look forward to the liberation that I think is coming...or, at least, I'll do what I can to make that happen.

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Elites are most definitely using language to maximize their propaganda. What I find so humorous is that their use of language is so binary: Are you anti-racist or racist? Are you vaccinated or are you an unjabbed murderer? Do you believe “facts” or do you believe misinformation? Do you support gender affirming therapy or are you homophobic? There is absolutely no middle ground on anything anymore. This is obviously by design. Forcing people into extreme camps robs them of their ability to think critically or to appreciate the nuances of issues.

Liberation is coming. At this point, it feels almost cosmic IMO. I don’t know if you subscribe to astrological interpretations of the world, but I find it extremely interesting that according to Vedic astrology, the U.S. is currently exposed to an astrological alignment that it hasn’t seen in more than 250 years. And we all know what happened then.

Revolution is in the air. Literally.

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I'm reminded of a quote from John Maynard Keynes. "Dangerous human proclivities can be canalised into comparatively harmless channels by the existence of opportunities for money-making and private wealth, which, if they cannot be satisfied in this way, may find their outlet in cruelty, the reckless pursuit of personal power and authority, and other forms of self-aggrandizement. It is better that a man should tyrannize over his bank balance than over his fellow-citizens" (The General Theory, 1953). We the People can inhibit the effects of these negative proclivities inflicted upon us by not siloing ourselves into tribal identities. The examples of We the Separate People are endless. The hailstorm of race cards falling out of the sky with the release of The Little Mermaid is but one. We went from "I don't see race" to even mermaids now have "race," and they have to be the correct race. Then there's the attack on girls and women with Big Trans. Then there's the class warfare up and down the ladder. Then there's the CRT siloing and the other correct race. I believe the above examples are a direct result of the enormous middle class and advances toward a more perfect union. Time to drag us back and make us into a giant peasant class fighting each other. The journalist and social critic Vance Packard wrote "The Hidden Persuaders," published in 1957, and his evaluation of the manipulation in marketing syncs with your observations of manipulation of the people through politics. Love your post and I hope everyone pays attention.

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Spot-on, kmick. The tyranny is principally enabled by division, by separating we the people into increasingly smaller slices and niches. The goal is to keep us from appreciating our real power.

“The Hidden Persuaders” is a great book. I’m often amazed by how many astute thinkers, decades ago, saw the essence of the challenges we face now. Everything that has been brewing for ages is coming to a head now. What a terrifying and exciting time to be on the planet! I feel honored and blessed to be here now. Hope you do, too 🙏

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"Because the invisible government’s power is also its weakness.

The people pulling the wires know that the only way they can truly control 330 million people isn’t with guns or money. The only way they can control us is by controlling our minds. And the moment they encounter civil disobedience on a mass level, this game ends."

This may apply to China, when a critical mass resists to a new set of Covid regulations, the CCP then just back down. The same will apply in russia. This ain't limited to America. Thanks Monica!

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I completely agree that a similar phenomenon can and may be unfolding all over the world. Even though the CCP and Russia have never allowed their citizens the level of freedom we have in the U.S. and the western world, they’ve seen what’s possible. I believe humans, by nature, crave freedom -- but we’re taught otherwise. For thousands of years, we’ve been conditioned to ignore our birthright. I think that time has come to an end.

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The American Ruling Class


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Great assessment, Monica.

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Thanks, Marnie!

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