Well said! Transgender Day of Visibility (march 31)international non-binary people's day (July 14),transgender day of remembrance (Nov 20) plus the whole month of June. Yes it's a little much. It starts to be a joke which is unfortunate but true. Best to dial it back some. No need putting a pride flag on every street corner. It loses its meaning when it's ubiquitous. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Jun 22Liked by Monica Harris

Regarding flag stealing/burning

Was it “progressugly” flags that were attacked?

I believe there are TRAs and supporters who would take down Real Rainbow Flags. Besides the growing # ppl who r just sick of it all.

To me, CJenner is still a man.

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Your 1st two paragraphs remind me of being at Grateful Dead shows in the 80s and 90s lol.

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Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

Very rich and dense piece. Too much to respond to everything that struck me, but I do agree with your overall take. Except that I kinda got stopped short when I read "Just as a Black person cannot relate to the “lived experience” of a Hispanic or Asian person, a gay person who identifies with their natal sex cannot relate to the challenges and needs of a person who questions their gender."

Separating from the TQIA+ etc. is necessary, I agree, because it has been contaminated by psychopathic activists and profit-seeking capitalists. But there is a population of people who are questioning their gender etc. and they do have every right to do that. And as a lesbian, I can certainly relate to that, because as a tomboy and then a lesbian I have inspired people to wonder what sex I am my whole life. Perhaps I overreact, but to me "cannot relate" means: zero commonality. No shared human experience that could be relatable. And I think that anyone who has questioned any received aspect of their personality, with a little imagination, could relate to someone questioning their gender, even if they hadn't ever done that themselves. This is the foundation of the humanities. Of writing and art and music.

For me it all boils down to the fact that if we stop believing that even people from very different backgrounds can find commonality and shared experiences that feel close enough to matter, then I don't see the point of continuing to converse with anyone other than myself at all. Because while it's true that no one can TRULY understand the lived experience of anyone else, regardless of color, sex, or anything, when we are willing to talk to each other and listen to each other about our individual experiences we find enough in common that it really doesn't matter what is true on some deep fundamental level of reality, since we can never access that level of truth anyway.

This is where we're at now, though. I wish it could be otherwise. Sadly, after adding the BT to the GL (it was GL originally, of course, then went to GLBT, then to LGBT, and once the women got first billing, the letters started adding on exponentially thus reducing the significance of first billing) we went from a rights-based politics to an identity-based politics, and to me, that was the crucial turn and the crucial mistake. And then we got the internet and social media and everything got blown WAY out of proportion and the craziness just keeps amping up.

Of course I have 20/20 hindsight now, but even when the first stirrings of this were poking up in academic circles in the 80s I was both fascinated and perturbed by the implications and never fully embraced the rhetoric or activism.

Anyways, thank you for writing and sharing these thoughts. It is good to think.

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Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

As always, comprehensive and on target. I have found the violent and aggressive tactics to be a big turn off and my sympathy for activists that think indoctrination of children is appropriate is zero. No man in a dress has my sympathy . If he cannot pass undetected, he is a he and I will never refer to him with female pronouns. No man has earned that and as for them in female locker rooms and prisons? I could not be more angry at the fools that allow it. The left has lost me, forever. And the involvement of antiffa? Double those sentiments. I am very sorry that our lesbian and gay friends had this imposed on them without asking. One group that has always contributed as members of society and another that I would never hire if I owned a business. I have never known a generation more obsessed with themselves….

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Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

Excellent post, Monica. Thank you so much!

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Thanks, Noel. Sorry I've been quiet. Life has been hectic!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

No need to be sorry! You are doing exactly what you need to be doing. Thanks again.

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Jun 20Liked by Monica Harris

Thank you SO much for writing this! I couldn't agree more! 👏👏👏

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Thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed :-)

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The LGB groups won. They got same-sex marriage passed. They should have disbanded their groups, but those groups made too much money for the organizations, and they didn't want to go get jobs.

- This is classic "mission creep".

Then they got hijacked by the Totalitarian Elites to destabilize society, and its been downhill since. They want people to push back so that they can claim "Hate" and keep creating victim victimizer narratives.

- The "outrage" is deliberate, not organic.

It's all artificial outrage pushed by the Paid Trolls of mainstream media. They are going out of their way to outrage all sides. That's what they are paid to do.

BTW, I just watched Jordan Peterson talking with the author of the book, The Devil and Karl Marx, where they discussed the process of communism becoming more and more fractured into destructive subgroups.

The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor | EP 455


This is his book:

The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration


The current movements are literally "demonic", yet secular people have no clue what they are looking at.

But I digress.

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Agreed, it was a mistake to add anything to LGB. Especially because "trans" is not exclusively about gender dysphoria, a condition we should all express empathy for. Non-binary, gender fluid, etc are telling you that they do not strongly identify as the gender that does not coenside with their sex and calling themselves trans harms the gender dysphoric cause as well as the gay cause.

The over representation of the wifi password is indeed irritating but the trans insistence that it is a right to go into women's facilities where they are nude with a flaunted penis is more than irritating. It is terrifying to some when they didn't even know if the trans identity is genuine. There are times when sex is the issue, not gender Identity.

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Jun 20Liked by Monica Harris

Monica: Glad you're back writing about hugely misunderstood issue. The transgender activism aspect of this topic has torn apart relationships which should not have been -- all for the egotistical benefit of some radical individuals.

It's unfortunate that parents are not paying attention to who and what is inappropriately influencing their children in schools. Teenagers, particularly girls, often have difficulties with puberty. It is horrible to think that someone with another agenda would try to convince a troubled young person to take drugs and have surgery to "treat" their discontent. "Affirming gender transitioning" sounds so mild and supportive, but it hides the extremism beneath it. These young people need sensible, constructive therapy and not be pushed into irreversible surgery. Like I said, parents have been fooled and only started to realize something was amiss when they saw their children's so-called curriculum online during Covid.

Getting transgenderism under the umbrella of LGB is a Trojan Horse way to get respect that is not deserved. We will look back on this movement and moment and ask, "how could we have been so fooled?"

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"We will look back on this movement and moment and ask, "how could we have been so fooled?"

Vicki, I think we're going to be asking this question about a LOT of things...

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Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

You are so right, Monica. And it's not the most thrilling thing to be a whistleblower either.

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Very smart approach! As I said before, there is some hidden connections with namblas...and is is so coordinated and so coincidental with the rise of far right conservative backlash, that the useful idiots are in fact, infiltrators. I knew personally a piano teacher that is both conservative, gay and guess what? He's been caught with kids last year. Just met him the other day with a young man wearing trans pride flag. I don't think I'm paranoid. https://x.com/BelissaCohen/status/1792199855840154008

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Monica Harris

The T is therefore used to divide and conquer what's left of "the left"...and that in almost any country of the "free world".

The only good new, if any, if that we have a global fix now, at Seaquatoria: https://seaquatoria.org/the-seaquatoria-address I hope you can join us once in a while, Monica, at our informal weekly zoom meeting at 18 French time (9 AM Pacific Time, 12 Eastern time, 14 Brazil time). Just drop by to say hello at the link provided in PM !

Take care !

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Brilliant commentary. I'm a woman married to a woman, and I would love to see the TQ++++++ completely removed form the LGB cause. Sadly, my wife is all on board with the gender woo. She is taking our two children to Seattle Pride at the end of this month. I am horrifed and completely opposed, but that means nothing, It's a huge disconnect in our relationship that she fully supports pushing this dangerous and divisive agenda, and I don't think any of it should be presented to children. Maybe in later years of high school they might be ready.

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Wow, that is so distressing! I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to navigate this madness without your partner’s support. My wife and I are 1000% in sync on these issues — a bond that I take for granted. I hope and pray that as events progress and the dangers to our movement and our children become more apparent, your partner will come to her senses 🙏

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to be fair, when we got together 15 years ago I was completely on the same page with her about these topics. But watching how it has continued to unfold and amplify in alarming ways I’ve definitely changed my perspective. Which has only caused her to double down unfortunately. Never take your bond with your wife for granted. Keeping our families together and strongly bonded is a crucial component to not letting the family abolitionists (aka Marxists) win.

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Jun 20Liked by Monica Harris

Enjoying reading you. From an old high school friend.

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Thanks! Would you DM me, old friend?

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Jun 20Liked by Monica Harris

You are spot on. It would have been better off for the LGB to never have allowed the TQ+ to sully their well-fought gains. There are also conflicts between the two main groups, such as the point you made by lesbians. I read what one gay person wrote a few years ago that another conflict is that the "born this way" POV seems to conflict with the fluid you-can-be-whatever-you-feel nature of the trans movement.

It seems that if anything, there needs to be a W in there at this point, as women are considered just body parts at this point, with no rights of privacy or recognition of vulnerability and bodily differences. Just as children and tweens/teens are being groomed by the TQ+, so are women being pushed aside or forced to accept men as being literal "women" by virtue of all their hormones, surgeries, and fashion/makeup sense. But then again, there are so many "victims" in the abbreviation right now that to add another seems ludicrous.

Forcing people to accept and use pronouns and concepts that are antithetical to biology, under legal and other penalties, goes against anything we've ever experienced in our once free country. It is appalling. When gay marriage became legal, that was different because it was recognizing a legality. Grooming and forcing faux realities are completely different and offensive.

The best thing that LGB's could do at this point is declare their independence from the TQ+, including cutting off any funding, marketing, celebrations, etc. that sully or blur those lines. The two groups are not the same.

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Jun 20Liked by Monica Harris

This is a brilliant analysis! Thank you.

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