Fabulous news!! You seem tailor made for this position--so happy for you! I’m glad you have a way to bump up your efforts to the next level. Best wishes!

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Ditto! Congratulations!

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Congratulations! I am really stoked that you will be heading up FAIR. It is encouraging to see smart, insightful people growing a movement to bring us all back together again. It has been really hard to watch as our culture divided into camps that often seem to be intent on viewing people in the most degrading ways, even if that is not what they set out to do.

As a woman who has worked in a skilled trade for 30 years, which makes me a bit of a groundbreaker since there were not many of us in my field then but now we make up almost half of it, I am clear that I want people to see me for my content, and not just judge me based on whatever criteria they have for women. As if all women are the same in all ways.

I am so beyond sick of the postmodern critical theory fundamentalists. I’d like to get back to us all being people instead of identifying as perpetual victims.

FAIR today, maybe running for office tomorrow. Because we really need more in the Gen X category to step forward and take the reigns. We won’t have good leadership until we realize this is the war of our time. Ideologues, charlatans and authoritarian creeps feel politics belongs to them. None of us wants to wade into that viper pit, but I think this is a sacrifice more of us need to make. Give me a strong women with a grounded and balanced stance and I will give you my vote.

Lead on, Monica!

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Man, I love your energy, Karen. Thanks so much for your support!! I’ve been telling my friends for a while now that Gen X really needs to step up and steer this ship to shore. Baby Boomers have checked out because “they got theirs,” and Gen Y is checked out because “they never got theirs.”

We are the generation that still has common sense, a good old fashioned work ethic, and a passion to save our country. Because we remember what America *used* to look like and understand just how far we’ve come. We know what real racism, sexism and homophobia look like; we don’t need to invent reasons to persecute ourselves.

We weren’t spoiled, we weren’t coddled, and we worked hard for what we got. But we were also children of the post Civil Rights Movement and knew the value of equality because we were the first generation to be raised in diverse communities and workplaces. We experienced the best this country had to offer, and it tears us apart to see it plundered, looted, and destroyed (I think I’ve found my next blog post -- lol).

We will start another movement and save the home we love. I promise you. Every day, I feel the balance tipping more in the favor of common sense.

If you want real encouragement, read this. What I said about by the Silenced and Exhausted Majority is playing out:


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I’m one of those middle aged people who exists in a low level state of grief and burnout over what has become of our country/culture/world at a time when we most need to come together and heal.

I am glad for the silenced majority finding a light in the darkness, but I also worry it will swing too far in the other direction.

The media and social media fan the flames of people’s emotions and beliefs, and it’s so easy to go with the mob on a thing.

I would love to see us adopt a ”shoe on the other foot” rule for humankind, where we judge everything by whether or not it works for everyone and everything. If a thing doesn’t work for all living things, it really isn’t just or fair (I believe we need to extend our efforts to all life, since we are connected to all things, especially the soil we stand on).

I do love seeing the privileged, screaming youth of the elite college scene getting spanked. But i view them as pawns in a game played by the puppeteers who direct this play that encourages people to believe there is an ”us” and a ”them.”

I think one of the most important things the US could do is just stop having ”elite” colleges, and make all the tax exempt universities places open to all people based on their area of study and their grades. The day when people respect the education of comunity college as much as Harvard is the day we have actual equality in this system.

I believe in the meritocracy, and living wages for all jobs, and access to affordable housing.

I believe not having those things is what is causing all the strife, globally.

Per that link above, I do not believe Israel deserves to be attacked, but I also have compassion for the people in Palestine who have suffered under the occupation these many decades. It all seems so sad and hopeless, as long as no one can see the humanity and need in the other. This blind hatred people have of what they view as the other is turning our planet into a wasteland.

I am blathering on, but I do look forward to your next blog post. And it feels good to have some hope that maybe we can all work to build a better country, one founded on the actual principles of democracy even if it took us 250 years to reach it.

I just worry a lot that when the pendulum swings, it will knock us all back into a different kind of authoritarian system.

There is no us or them. We are all connected and we all need to work together to put things right. I’m on board.

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Congratulations to both you and to FAIR -- this is a perfect fit. You are one of the people making things better and FAIR is such an organization.

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Wonderful! Common sense lives! I hope your work will also act to expose the antihuman agenda we see everywhere that seems to underly all of the inversions surrounding us. It hides behind nice sounding platitudes and fearful alarmism.

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Kismet. You are a perfect fit for this role. Thank you for taking it on. You are fluent in the favored weapon of the opposition - language. I see some great battles ahead—and some wins!

I will continue to support lawsuits supported by FAIR as I have been doing in the past. Thanks for continuing this very important work.

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Congratulations and good luck!!!

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That's great, congrats.

I always learn something from the FAIR news and love the message that we need to find common ground now to fight the tyranny running amok!

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Congrats, Monica! I'm proud of you!

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Congratulations, Monica!


Welcome to the club!

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Love the message lets all work together. May your enthusiasm spread and grow.

Is Garland Nixon on your Radar? He recently addressed a UN committee on the issue of Peace in Ukraine. His bit starts at 14:00


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Hi Frankly, I haven't heard about Garland but would love to learn more. The link you posted doesn't seem to work for me?

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Congratulations! How do I get involved?

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Hi Jaynee,

Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to volunteer, please visit fairforall.org/volunteer and sign up using that form.

If you would be interested in starting a local FAIR chapter in your community, you can find a contact form at the bottom of this page: https://www.fairforall.org/chapters/

Otherwise, you can complete the form on all of our pages, toward the bottom, to sign up for our mailing list (including FAIR's Substack). Hope to see you in our community soon!

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Congratulations Monica!!!

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