This article is such a well-supported exposition of Monica's theory of what ails us and divides us. Very fine particulars supporting macro movemements we all have witnessed. Exacerbating the incomplete picture that (partisan) trusted sources feed their followers is the sound bite/meme/ surface brushing tendencies that social media has encouraged, all of which echo the trusted sources by algorithm. Those bites and TikTok videos have become authoritative for an entire generation, actually more than one generation. That is the brick wall you face. Fast-food activism, complete with processed ingredients that provide lots of pleasure but no real nutrition. Please dont stop trying to break down that wall.

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Dear Monica, this is a very insightful article, particularly regarding “reality distortion!” The bottom line is that people either don’t have the time or the inclination to do their own research or get to the bottom of these more complex issues and they totally trust the “experts” that resonate with them. I have found that many of my dear friends are blindly influenced by their section of the elephant and not ready to hear about the other parts! While your mission may seem to be slogging through the jungle of the distorted field, I am heartened that you have a clear understanding of the path ahead and appreciate the hard work you and your fellow trail-blazers are determined to pursue. Thank you! Minds will be opened one by one so I pray for all of us to be patient and remember our common heritage as children of the Divine.

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Congratulations, Monica!

"orthodox thinkers are more likely to respond to emotion than logic"

That is true on both sides of political spectrum, sadly.

"Guilt, fear and compassion", but also prejudices, and political correctness on both sides of the political spectrum are joining with the information flow to destroy our ability to think collectively.

“reality distortion field”

I hope the Seaquatoria project “reality distortion field” will work on you too! I do my best for it! We hope to see you on zoom one sunday! At least we can create a new reality!

"Our reality is being distorted, and it’s convincing many Americans to take

positions and support policies they may not fully understand — positions and policies they probably wouldn’t support if they were fully informed."

I think information, even when available, isn't read. It is not like people have no information, the fact is, people have too much information in the first place, and/or don't bother read all the "25 pages" they have at their disposal. As a result, the "forces at work that keep us" divided are maybe just a kind of tidal information overflow that destroys everyhing that make sense. Maybe.

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The speech is deeply disturbing because I can't see a solution here in the real world.

Well done.

The classic book about the tulip craze from centuries ago pointed out that people go mad in crowds and only become sane individually.

- How do we show individuals what is going on?

Is there some way that you guys can combine the resources of many groups to create documentaries going into the details, and get them on PBS. If they were shown on Independent Lens enough people might actually listen.

- We need to bring "Public" back into Public TV. HA!

I suspect that you guys will need to get some billionaire onboard to convince the people at PBS to allow documentaries like that.

In the 90s PBS had no fear and showed amazing stuff. Today they are totally controlled by their Totalitarian Left sponsors.

BTW, I've had the same problem on a great Forum where we discuss "Fringe" science. Too many people refuse to read all the information and simply follow "consensus". People who see all the pieces of the puzzle are onboard, no matter how shocking the insight.

I caught myself, just yesterday, where I was reading an essay, and about to tune out because it was too bland. The guy had buried the lede near the end of the essay. If I had not finished reading it, I would have missed the shocking part that changed everything.

But I digress.

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