okay, you are in as the fourth! But since posting my idea I have received constant notices of "likes" and no practical advice as to how or where to publish. It sounds like it is a lot more than "four," but we can start with four. What if we live in a world where there is nowhere to pubish?
okay, you are in as the fourth! But since posting my idea I have received constant notices of "likes" and no practical advice as to how or where to publish. It sounds like it is a lot more than "four," but we can start with four. What if we live in a world where there is nowhere to pubish?
The two places where you can pretty much expect not to get censored are Substack and one's own website. Substack has pretty much taken a hands-off approach to censorship as is evidenced by the right-wing writers here, like Bari Weiss, who haven't gotten deplatformed. Glenn Loury here got a video censored on YouTube recently because it debated and critiqued trans ideology. Not Medium, but his assistant, can't remember the guy's name, a recent immigrant to the US, reached out to Substack to understand their censorship policy and you REALLY have to eff up to get censored or banned here. Like, you have to practically threaten to kill someone important or express what actually was 'hate speech' before it got 'wokenized'. Chris Fox and the already-mentioned Steve QJ, both on Substack, have been censored by Medium. I know someone else I could reach out to who could find others.
If you/we publish somethign here on Substack, I'll repost it on my own blog, growsomelabia.com/blog, with everyone's permission. And we can share on social media, if we dare :)
I've also recently been deplatformed from Vocal.media for "transphobic' articles (i.e., gender critical) and CounterSocial, a Twitter alternative, most likely because of my recent article noting that the right is more scientific than the left on the lack of science behind 'gender affirming' care and that not only red states were pulling back on providing it, but so were the most liberal countries in Europe based on its lack of evidence. There is no quickly way to get deplatformed than the criticize, challenge, and annoy transgender totalitarians.
There's no way the article would get banned or suspended on Substack.
Another place you can go to avoid getting suspended or banned if you want to do videos is Rumble, which is owned by Locals. They are a free speech-friendly alternative to YouTube.
Sadly, many new forums like Medium appear on a regular basis and start out good, but eventually the Woke Syndrome hits the administration and they bow down to threats from the government or give into the temptation to go for those ESG credit scores offered by the likes of BlackRock. Hence, it's pretty silly when the "woke" sometimes claim that they are anti-capitalist, since all identity politics is one method used by the capitalist class to promote the emotionally-charged Culture Wars, whose purpose is to distract the working class from the Class War.
Of course, the Right is more than happy to conflate the Regressive Left and its "Cultural Marxism" with the Classical Left and Classical Marxism as actually formulated by Marx and Engels.
And we all know that the wokes will label us "right-wing" for publishing on Substack or Rumble.
I may go to Rumble. I used to do videos on YouTube but I stopped; too much trouble. Now I want to do shorter videos but I'll be critiquing the trans movement more and that's verboten for YouTube. I've checked out Rumble and it's every bit the right-wing shithole its critics claim, but supposedly there are some deplatformed or just fed up lefties as well. Maybe I should throw caution to the wind and try it. After all, this is what the left has wrought. I don't believe i'm going to turn into a Trumper or a Nazi if I start appearing on at least some of these platforms (I've written an article about them so I know which are which) and maybe I'll find some rational righties along with level lefties with whom I can commune.
We need to start working across the aisle anyway. Hey, are we going to write this article? Did you reach out to me in email? Because I haven't seen anything in my inbox or my junk folder.
Rumble is indeed filled with shit righties, but the forum was never designed to cater to them specifically; they simply had nowhere to go once every other forum went "woke"... and neither did we from the Classical Left. As you noted, we can thank the Mainstream Left for this, not to mention for the Regressive Right backlash now going on. They will consider us "Nazis" and "Trumpers" simply because we re not loyal to the Democrats or to Regressive Left identity politics, despite the fact that I'm a registered Green who will be voting for Cornel West.
There are indeed many great de-platformed Classical Lefties on Rumble, including Glenn Greenwald, who is now on Locals, the parent company of Rumble.
We won't agree with the Moderate Right on a good number of things, but we won't agree with each other on everything either. What we need to focus on strongly is building class unity and maintaining civil liberties for *everyone.*
I was not able to relocate the post where you left your email. Can you please give the addy to me again?
Frenchy, I cannot figure out those vertical lines. Do neurotypicals understand? I suggested that article by four or more ex-Medium writers to spread the information on what the hell "Medium" really is but no, I have not heard any practical suggestions about how to publish it. So, sometimes I do not know who a person is talking to (unless they manually insert the name like I did in this case). Right now, I just feel like life is hopeless. But do give us something to read, Frenchy. You seem to have a knack for it.
We need to get together to discuss those practical suggestions. I'm thinking we can simply publish it on Substack for now, and then seek to cross-publish it elsewhere.
Life always seems hopeless when the going is tough, but look at the united front we're now gradually starting to build.
Okay gentlemen, let's talk about a Zoom call (hopefully everyone's in north America...) I'm in the EST in Toronto. Let's take this to email since it's quicker (and let's not argue about collaboration apps like WhatsApp, Zoom, Discord, Slack, etc....sometimes old school is best, at least to start). Let's coordinate a Zoom call, hopefully some evening or on a weekend, or I could do 8am-9am EST. I work otherwise. nchardenet at gmail dot com.
Did you try it again? Because nchardenet at gmail dot com is good, but if it keeps bouncing you might want ro check with your internet provider. Try nicdominon, Gmail. It forwards to the other one.
You caught a lot of good points there. I am also Autistic and do not do well at your basic "networking" social thing. Please promote my original views on Economics. I think I might use your phrase, "Regressive Left," too. These recent things, however, do cause me to ask certain questions about even the older sort of leftism. It must have had some weakness. Look what it always led to. Believe me, I am still very fond of Marx which gave a lot of people inspiration, and I like Engels a lot (Cond. of Wrk Class in England; and Dialectics of Science). Musician John Cage once said of anarchism that "philosophically" anarchism is good. But it just is not practical. There is not so much left to choose from. I have certain original ideas in Economics. I did not ask for it, but some original thoughts occurred - sue me. It just happened. (Anybody who intentionally chooses to major in "Economics" is probably doomed at the outset.) I am about to put up a new Substack piece on these things I know about economics. Apparently the Substack system cannot make sense of it either. I don't know why my economics articles have more official "views," and yet I am losing readers ; I am down to 16 or 17 now. I don't know if they hate my economics and they view it and then hate it or what. Social networking is very primitive, if you compare to how any (vibrant, active) human society or community works. (And any society that connects itself to money has to be REGULATED). Anyhow, it means that technology and vaccines and gender surgery = "primitive"! Natural human life took 3 billion years to evolve. And that = super-sophisticated. Even humans as they existed 10,000 years ago, for example, were super-sophisticates. I read my first warning on the gender activist movement on "Medium," it was right after I joined in 2017. It was because of that article (by a sexy sort of a young lady who like pole dancing) and because she warned me I knew exactly what was going on from then on (thereafter?). It just blows the mind what has happened since. You cannot trust anybody anymore (or anybody who claims to be an "expert" and says he/they know something). Looks like somebody figured out that the best way to subvert the society is to pretend you are "progressive." Is that even all that surprising? The criminals just figgered out they had a better future by identifying as liberals. So, look for my piece. It is on the sort of economic "freedom from regulations" that might include the practice of enslavement. Some person have claimed they had the"freedom" to practice that sort of "free trade," too. There is in fact no "a-priori" (italics did not work but I just learned that control + i gets a cool info page on what webpage I have open) reason to exclude any part of economics from regulation. In any economic context, the question "should we regulate or not?" applies. That piece should be up in a hour at the most. But since I am Autistic it could be longer....
Or, even worse than that, a world where we could only publish something if we stuck to a specific, pre-approved POV? Is that journalism? Not at all; it's enforced pandering. It would mean that writers weren't actually writers, as all they would be allowed to do is parrot establishment talking points. Sadly, in a democracy people can find many ways to get around freedom of speech protections, one of which is labeling a POV that is either unpopular or goes against the narrative proposed by the corporate-state coalition as "hate speech" or equating it with "harassment" or "violence."
"enforced pandering" huh? "https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pandering" I had to look up "pandering" as got all flummoxed there! Well, there you go again, Nigro! That was a little over me little head but it does seem to work (for those intelligent enough to get it). So, the N. Y. Times wold be forcing their writers to pander to the "weaknesses...of others". I am outraged all over again, in fact!
okay, you are in as the fourth! But since posting my idea I have received constant notices of "likes" and no practical advice as to how or where to publish. It sounds like it is a lot more than "four," but we can start with four. What if we live in a world where there is nowhere to pubish?
The two places where you can pretty much expect not to get censored are Substack and one's own website. Substack has pretty much taken a hands-off approach to censorship as is evidenced by the right-wing writers here, like Bari Weiss, who haven't gotten deplatformed. Glenn Loury here got a video censored on YouTube recently because it debated and critiqued trans ideology. Not Medium, but his assistant, can't remember the guy's name, a recent immigrant to the US, reached out to Substack to understand their censorship policy and you REALLY have to eff up to get censored or banned here. Like, you have to practically threaten to kill someone important or express what actually was 'hate speech' before it got 'wokenized'. Chris Fox and the already-mentioned Steve QJ, both on Substack, have been censored by Medium. I know someone else I could reach out to who could find others.
If you/we publish somethign here on Substack, I'll repost it on my own blog, growsomelabia.com/blog, with everyone's permission. And we can share on social media, if we dare :)
I've also recently been deplatformed from Vocal.media for "transphobic' articles (i.e., gender critical) and CounterSocial, a Twitter alternative, most likely because of my recent article noting that the right is more scientific than the left on the lack of science behind 'gender affirming' care and that not only red states were pulling back on providing it, but so were the most liberal countries in Europe based on its lack of evidence. There is no quickly way to get deplatformed than the criticize, challenge, and annoy transgender totalitarians.
There's no way the article would get banned or suspended on Substack.
Another place you can go to avoid getting suspended or banned if you want to do videos is Rumble, which is owned by Locals. They are a free speech-friendly alternative to YouTube.
Sadly, many new forums like Medium appear on a regular basis and start out good, but eventually the Woke Syndrome hits the administration and they bow down to threats from the government or give into the temptation to go for those ESG credit scores offered by the likes of BlackRock. Hence, it's pretty silly when the "woke" sometimes claim that they are anti-capitalist, since all identity politics is one method used by the capitalist class to promote the emotionally-charged Culture Wars, whose purpose is to distract the working class from the Class War.
Of course, the Right is more than happy to conflate the Regressive Left and its "Cultural Marxism" with the Classical Left and Classical Marxism as actually formulated by Marx and Engels.
And we all know that the wokes will label us "right-wing" for publishing on Substack or Rumble.
I may go to Rumble. I used to do videos on YouTube but I stopped; too much trouble. Now I want to do shorter videos but I'll be critiquing the trans movement more and that's verboten for YouTube. I've checked out Rumble and it's every bit the right-wing shithole its critics claim, but supposedly there are some deplatformed or just fed up lefties as well. Maybe I should throw caution to the wind and try it. After all, this is what the left has wrought. I don't believe i'm going to turn into a Trumper or a Nazi if I start appearing on at least some of these platforms (I've written an article about them so I know which are which) and maybe I'll find some rational righties along with level lefties with whom I can commune.
We need to start working across the aisle anyway. Hey, are we going to write this article? Did you reach out to me in email? Because I haven't seen anything in my inbox or my junk folder.
Rumble is indeed filled with shit righties, but the forum was never designed to cater to them specifically; they simply had nowhere to go once every other forum went "woke"... and neither did we from the Classical Left. As you noted, we can thank the Mainstream Left for this, not to mention for the Regressive Right backlash now going on. They will consider us "Nazis" and "Trumpers" simply because we re not loyal to the Democrats or to Regressive Left identity politics, despite the fact that I'm a registered Green who will be voting for Cornel West.
There are indeed many great de-platformed Classical Lefties on Rumble, including Glenn Greenwald, who is now on Locals, the parent company of Rumble.
We won't agree with the Moderate Right on a good number of things, but we won't agree with each other on everything either. What we need to focus on strongly is building class unity and maintaining civil liberties for *everyone.*
I was not able to relocate the post where you left your email. Can you please give the addy to me again?
And btw, Frenchy, the email addy you gave me unfortunately bounced. I'm not sure why.
nchardenet at gmail dot com. Maybe did I have a typo?
Frenchy, I cannot figure out those vertical lines. Do neurotypicals understand? I suggested that article by four or more ex-Medium writers to spread the information on what the hell "Medium" really is but no, I have not heard any practical suggestions about how to publish it. So, sometimes I do not know who a person is talking to (unless they manually insert the name like I did in this case). Right now, I just feel like life is hopeless. But do give us something to read, Frenchy. You seem to have a knack for it.
See my reply to Christofer below, since Substack doesn't let you tag people.
We need to get together to discuss those practical suggestions. I'm thinking we can simply publish it on Substack for now, and then seek to cross-publish it elsewhere.
Life always seems hopeless when the going is tough, but look at the united front we're now gradually starting to build.
Okay gentlemen, let's talk about a Zoom call (hopefully everyone's in north America...) I'm in the EST in Toronto. Let's take this to email since it's quicker (and let's not argue about collaboration apps like WhatsApp, Zoom, Discord, Slack, etc....sometimes old school is best, at least to start). Let's coordinate a Zoom call, hopefully some evening or on a weekend, or I could do 8am-9am EST. I work otherwise. nchardenet at gmail dot com.
I'm down for a shared email discussion. But as noted, for some reason, the email you gave me bounced.
Did you try it again? Because nchardenet at gmail dot com is good, but if it keeps bouncing you might want ro check with your internet provider. Try nicdominon, Gmail. It forwards to the other one.
Just tried sending again. This time, it seems legit as your pic came up with the address. I'm not sure what happened the first time.
You caught a lot of good points there. I am also Autistic and do not do well at your basic "networking" social thing. Please promote my original views on Economics. I think I might use your phrase, "Regressive Left," too. These recent things, however, do cause me to ask certain questions about even the older sort of leftism. It must have had some weakness. Look what it always led to. Believe me, I am still very fond of Marx which gave a lot of people inspiration, and I like Engels a lot (Cond. of Wrk Class in England; and Dialectics of Science). Musician John Cage once said of anarchism that "philosophically" anarchism is good. But it just is not practical. There is not so much left to choose from. I have certain original ideas in Economics. I did not ask for it, but some original thoughts occurred - sue me. It just happened. (Anybody who intentionally chooses to major in "Economics" is probably doomed at the outset.) I am about to put up a new Substack piece on these things I know about economics. Apparently the Substack system cannot make sense of it either. I don't know why my economics articles have more official "views," and yet I am losing readers ; I am down to 16 or 17 now. I don't know if they hate my economics and they view it and then hate it or what. Social networking is very primitive, if you compare to how any (vibrant, active) human society or community works. (And any society that connects itself to money has to be REGULATED). Anyhow, it means that technology and vaccines and gender surgery = "primitive"! Natural human life took 3 billion years to evolve. And that = super-sophisticated. Even humans as they existed 10,000 years ago, for example, were super-sophisticates. I read my first warning on the gender activist movement on "Medium," it was right after I joined in 2017. It was because of that article (by a sexy sort of a young lady who like pole dancing) and because she warned me I knew exactly what was going on from then on (thereafter?). It just blows the mind what has happened since. You cannot trust anybody anymore (or anybody who claims to be an "expert" and says he/they know something). Looks like somebody figured out that the best way to subvert the society is to pretend you are "progressive." Is that even all that surprising? The criminals just figgered out they had a better future by identifying as liberals. So, look for my piece. It is on the sort of economic "freedom from regulations" that might include the practice of enslavement. Some person have claimed they had the"freedom" to practice that sort of "free trade," too. There is in fact no "a-priori" (italics did not work but I just learned that control + i gets a cool info page on what webpage I have open) reason to exclude any part of economics from regulation. In any economic context, the question "should we regulate or not?" applies. That piece should be up in a hour at the most. But since I am Autistic it could be longer....
Or, even worse than that, a world where we could only publish something if we stuck to a specific, pre-approved POV? Is that journalism? Not at all; it's enforced pandering. It would mean that writers weren't actually writers, as all they would be allowed to do is parrot establishment talking points. Sadly, in a democracy people can find many ways to get around freedom of speech protections, one of which is labeling a POV that is either unpopular or goes against the narrative proposed by the corporate-state coalition as "hate speech" or equating it with "harassment" or "violence."
"enforced pandering" huh? "https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pandering" I had to look up "pandering" as got all flummoxed there! Well, there you go again, Nigro! That was a little over me little head but it does seem to work (for those intelligent enough to get it). So, the N. Y. Times wold be forcing their writers to pander to the "weaknesses...of others". I am outraged all over again, in fact!